Tag Archives: goals

New Year, New You?

It’s a new year. Time for a fresh start. A time when people set resolutions and create goals.

What does the start of a new year mean to you?

Many people say New Year, New You — but what does that actually mean? To be “new” you’d need to change who you are. But should you change everything about yourself in order to feel better?

When we try to change everything, we end up changing nothing. It’s too overwhelming to attempt to make multiple changes at once. Instead, think about the key things that you want to do differently this year? Keep the list short. Make a plan. Take one step at a time.

How will you approach each change? How will you integrate those changes into your life?

It’s a new year, why not focus on being you — at your best. Do more of the things that help you feel good about yourself and allow you to act like your most authentic self.

You Are Here? Where are your goals?

Where are you now? Are you near your goals?

We are mid-way through 2021. Are you where you want to be?

Now is a good time to reflect on what you’ve done and where you are. Take some time to reassess. Are you on track for reaching some of your goals for this year?

The goals don’t need to be lofty. A simple one for today is staying on track to reach a long-term goal.

Stop. Breathe. Think.

Where am I now? Where do I want to be? What is the next right step to point me in that direction?

small steps + simple actions = sustainable progress

What consistent small steps are you taking toward your goal?